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Budgies Breeding Guide

Mating and breeding is a natural process and every healthy living organism has a desire for sex when they reach maturity. In birds, there are different breeding signs when they reach maturity but in budgie, breeding signs are very clear as to when the female is on heat or ready for mating her cere become thick and its color turns from white into light brown. The mating is confirmed when your budgie female start nesting. 

What is the budgie breeding age?

Normally budgies are ready to breed at the age of 6 months but it’s better to allow them to breed at the age of 8 months because younger mothers cannot take good care of their clutches.

How many clutches do budgies have in a year? 

In wild, budgie normally has two clutches in the year means once in six months but in captivity, budgies may have up to 3 to 5  clutches in a year if they are not used for commercial breeding. 

How many years budgies can breed?

A budgie can live around 7-12 years and a male budgie can mate up to 6 years and female budgie can mate up to 4 years. 

How many days female take to lay eggs after mating?
Budgies normally lay 4-8 eggs in a single clutch. Once your female budgie starts sitting in the nest after mating, she will take around 8 to 9 days to lay her first egg and will continue laying eggs on alternative days. 

How many days it takes to hatch a budgie egg? 

Budgies have fewer time periods of getting their eggs hatched then other parakeets. Their eggs will start hatching within 15- 18 days of laying eggs. 

How to bring budgies into breeding condition? 

In the wild, budgies naturally come into breeding condition when there is excess of food and acceptable weather conditions while in captivity they need proper conditions to be prepared for them which encourages them to breed. For this, they need the right quantity of food excess in protein (like boiled eggs and fruits) and warm weather which triggers their hormones for breeding. 
If foods requirements are not properly filled during breeding time, it can result in some problems related to breeding like;
  •  Laying unfertilized Eggs.
  • Poorly Fed Chicks.
  • Abandoned Eggs.
  •  Lack of breeding activity in pairs.
  • Egg binding in females. 
What are the signs of breeding budgies?

When a hormonal change occurs in female budgie for breeding, her cere color turns into brown. On the other hand, the male budgies become more vocal, start flirting with their fellows and trying to impress their potential mate with singing. In addition to that, his cere will change from a light blue color to dark, deep and bright blue or pink color depending on the mutation. 

What are the signs of a pregnant budgie? 

There are some behavior changes in addition to female structural changes. In behavior changes, female budgies start depending on male budgie for feeding and start sitting in the nest and the structurally the chest of the female budgie enhances outward with enlarging rounded belly. 


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