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Why Budgies Love to take bath?

Imagine if you are born in hot weather and what is the first thing which you want to fix your weather hotness. Water! Yes, you are right. Budgies love to take a water bath. As they are one of the smallest species of parakeets and born in hot weathers of Australia. These birds usually take baths in the group in ponds or in rain.

How do Budgies Take Bath?

They have a very unique way of taking a bath. Whenever they feel hotness they jump into water ponds and take bath by fluffing their wings in the water. This does not only helps them to get relaxed but also gives them the opportunity to clean their feathers after a bath.

How can I give a bath to my Budgie(Pet)?

If your budgie is hand tamed than you can give him a bath anywhere in your home except for open-air but make sure that water is not too cold or too hot, it must have room temperature. On the other hand, you can put a pot for a bath in their cage with some fresh green grass and let them have their bath.

During summer rain you can also put their cage under shad where they can feel the splashes of raindrops.

How to dry my budgie after a bath?
You don't need to do anything. They are birds d they know what to do, they can dry their feathers with their beaks which not only help them in drying but also allow them to clean their feathers.

How many times I have to put my budgie for a Bath? 
There is no set standard or limit but in summer you can allow your budgie to have a bath twice or thrice a week and in winter twice a month.

Please watch the video till the end.


  1. I love budgies, budgies love to take bath, it's so hot where I live so in summer I sprinkle water on them with a spray bottle once or twice a day, they start chirping and really enjoy this.


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