There are so many birds that you can have as a pet but most
people prefer to have parakeets as they are easy to tame and can speak in your
language. In parakeets, how can we forget "budgies" when you are looking for a
pet in birds list. They are low cost, easy to care and can be hand tamed within a month or two. They are friendly and very polite in nature towards human but
they need a lot of exercises to live a healthy life.
How much does budgie cost?

This is the cost that you spent on buying your
new buddy but this brings two types of costs like initial setup cost and
recurring cost.
Initial set up costs involve the price of the proper cage,
nesting box, food & water pots and toy installation whereas recurring
cost is the one that will occur on regular basis for the healthy life of your
budgie and this includes food, supplements, and veterinarian.
Onetime cost:
Sized Cage for one or two Budgies
$20 to $35
$8 to $15
$5 to $15
and Treats
$2 to $20
Recurring cost:
food of seeds-1KG Pack
$2 to $8
Cuttlefish bone
and Vegetables
$5 per month
routine checkups
$ 85
So, we can estimate a onetime cost including one budgie
to $120 on the maximum side and a one year cost on a recurring basis to be $180
excluding Vet unforeseen checkups. Budgies have a normal life span of around
7-12 years and if your budgie spends a healthy life to a full life span than it
will cost you around $2,310 which is a very affordable price for
anyone to have such a lovely bird to be a companion with you for the next 12
Hi Awais, you have provoided very informative blogs. Kindly make a detailed blog about their types and mutations along with their local names & prices in Pakistan & India. And we can have a friendly chat on IG: @awa_malik_1 . I hope you will respond soon. Thanks!